At G&M we interview candidates everyday, and we want to make sure that you are prepared for your next interview. Some of these steps may seem basic, however that is not always the case. Remember that: The more time you take in advance to get prepared, the more comfortable you’ll feel during the actual interview. Here are some steps to guide you in your preparation:


1. Whether you are doing a face to face interview or through Skype, it is essential to ‘look the part’.  First impressions are key – your appearance sends a message of effort and motivation, if you seem untidy or not groomed you may give off the idea that you don’t really care about the opportunity or that you may not be as motivated. You also do not want to over-do your look, remember that it is a professional interview and the attention should be kept to the subject and not to your appearance.






2. Be knowledgeable. One of the worst impressions you can make in an interview is not being able to answer questions on the company who is offering you an opportunity / you applied for. Do your research in advance, visit the website; the store; gather background information and learn the job description. Understanding the company’s essence, values and target is the minimum. Your added value could be to analyse information that is not as obvious, do not stay on the surface – go in depth. This suggests your motivation and could help you have good talking points during the interview.






3. Asking questions shows curiosity and interest. Prepare a set of concrete questions that you would like to know about, to do with the company and job role. Common and efficient questions could range from: ‘what is the culture of the company like in the office?’ or ‘What is the objective of my role in the company?’. Stay away from irrelevant or complicated questions. You want to show inquisitiveness, intellectual curiosity not nativity.







4. It goes without saying that you should be polite and have a humble demeanour. Your way of speaking, tone of voice and words you use will tell the interviewer a lot about you as a person.  Your non-verbal communication, such as touching your hair or fiddling around with your hands, gives an indication of nervousness and could distract your interviewer. Make eye contact, have good posture and speak clearly – these points will help you keep the attention of your interviewer.






5. An interview is a conversation. It is crucial that you do not just sit back and wait to answer questions. Engage the interviewer. It is solely your responsibility that the interviewer walks away from that interview knowing your key selling points. If you feel that the interviewer has not asked you about something that you think is important for them to know: say it. It could also be helpful for you to anticipate the interviewer’s concerns or reservations. Be prepared to answer to you not having some skills and why you should be hired anyways.






6. Often people are very quick to list their experiences, but never backing it up. For example, ‘I worked as a fashion designer for 2 years and led a project that was successful’ – that is not good enough – ‘the project was named ‘cotton’ and I managed 3 Jr designers to create a capsule collection with a deadline of 1 week that sold out in only two weeks’. This sentence gives so much more information than you think: it mentions managerial skills, deadline management, creativity and leadership. It also opens conversation for the interviewer to ask you more about it.






7. Some time after your interview, send a ‘Thank you’ email to your interviewer. Let them know that you appreciated their time and you are available for any further talks. This always helps to leave a good impression as well as you ensure to appear again in the mind of a probably very busy interviewer.






Conclusively, interviews are not as intimidating as they seem. Keep reminding your self that it is a two-way conversation. If you prepare by following all the steps you just read, you can be sure of making a good impression on your next job interview.

If you need any further advice simply email us or give us a call. We would be happy to help.

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