#GMtips How to be a ‘STAND-OUT’ Candidate

Being one of many going through a selection process may seem intimidating… but not if you follow our #GMtips on how to be a ‘Stand-out’ candidate.  HR’s & Recruiters see a lot of CV’s and candidates everyday (Recruiters take an average of 6 seconds to scan a resume – TheLadders) , but what makes you memorable?

Well let’s start with the obvious, the first point of contact with recruiters: your application (CV, cover letter and email). This is your chance to create a positive first impression and secure your spot in the selection process. This goes without saying but.. make sure you are applying to the right position, do not just apply randomly. Consider your experiences and knowledge: make sure that you match the job requirements.

Be aware of details: something that, for instance, tends to disappoint recruiters are spelling errors. Before you send any kind of writing be sure to have suitable grammar. Another one is: overwhelming CVs (want to have an effective CV? Check out our blog post:…). Once you have great grammar and a polished CV you are set to make a good impression, but it’s not enough. You need to stand out amongst others. A #GMtip to stand out in your cover letter is to mention recent news (relevant to the brand of course) with a personal opinion. For example: if you are applying to a brand that recently released a new project about sustainability, you could comment on that in your cover letter. This shows that you keep up with the brand and also that you have intellectual curiosity.

Finally, in your cover letter try and stray away from the typical format, don’t be boring and redundant. Keep it specific to the brand and position, concise and interesting.

On to the next step: if you made it through to the interview round you can be sure that you have sparked curiosity. Meaning, this is your time to shine. Your Storytelling must be effective to convince the interviewer you are the good fit/match. To do so you need to review and study your target (job description, career and commercial website, store or sales channels, etc.). Then, structure your story around the contents that are more relevant to them and that best show your abilities/skills/personality, finally your real added value!

It is imperative to face interviews with a positive and confident mindset. The interview is your chance to show personality. Remember that the recruiter has already been through your CV: so this interview is not about your experiences but HOW you tell your experiences. Are you just going to list your many accomplishments or are you going to explain your accomplishments with real life scenarios and how your soft skills came into play? 93% of employers consider soft skills an “essential” or “very important” factor in hiring decisions(Wonderlic). This is what makes the difference.

Wants some extra tips on how to prepare for an interview? read our blog post: https://gm-fashioncareer.com/the-little-things-make-a-big-difference/

Or want some tips on how to dress for an interview, read our ‘Dress to impress blog post’: https://gm-fashioncareer.com/dress-to-impress-what-to-wear-to-a-job-interview/

All interviews done and dusted? Waiting for the final answer? Great! Candidates usually assume that after the interview it’s all in the hands of the company/ recruiter and there is nothing else you can do. This is not true. Being remembered takes work and dedication. Our #GMtips to create an impact even after the interview are: always send a thank you email after the interview – let them know you are grateful for their time and how much you value the opportunity. Of course let them know that you are available for any further contact. Finally, you can send a ‘recall’ email after about 2 weeks (depending on the feedback time-frame they gave you) reminding them (in a subtle way) that you are waiting for news from them and again, are at their disposal for any further queries.

If you follow our #GMtips you can be sure to make a lasting impression, and remember even if you don’t get the job – you are likely to be remembered by the recruiter for future opportunities.

Statistics reference: https://zety.com/blog/hr-statistics

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