We hear of recruitment companies continuously, but it can be unclear what role they have in our professional paths. This article will clear up what G&M Fashion Career impact we can have on your career. Our proven processes and knowledge of the industry means we can create a strategic roadmap for both client and candidate. And most importantly, we love talent! We treat our candidates with complete transparency. Our first encounter is solely on getting to know you, your needs, your past experiences, future goals, expectations and your strengths and weaknesses. We make it a must to cater to your requirements, in this way we are able to match you with the adequate opportunity. Our dedication and service is for both candidates whom apply through us as well as candidates who apply on their own.

Our process:


You might be applying for jobs and sending out your CV & Cover letter to different companies – But are you applying where you are relevant, are you mapping out the right path for you?  The complication with job searching is when candidates are not able to narrow down where their profiles fit, this could suggest a lack of self-awareness and could lead to over-applying and receiving no results.

How will we help? The first step is essential, and G&M knows how to guide you the right way. Together, we will review your profile and based on that we can help you map out the relevant opportunities you could consider. We will help you create pragmatical content, for example: help you point out specific projects, achievements and skills (you might not have even considered to be relevant) that are important to be highlighted for the opportunities you have shortlisted. When you choose the jobs you will apply to we can help you understand if this is the right choice for you – we give you another perspective that you can reflect on, we stick to honesty as we envision what is best for your professional career.



If you are applying for a creative role, you are likely to need to send your design portfolio. This step defines what you could bring to the company, your capacities & vision. What most candidates don’t know is the importance of adapting your portfolio to the company you are applying to. The portfolio must be aligned with what you are proposing to the company and what the company is expecting from you, through your portfolio the company should be able to envision you working with them.

How we help? Our recruiters will review your profile before the company will, with our know-how in the industry we are able to help you edit your profile to fit the essence of the brand – for example by looking at past works, helping you choose what is coherent with their target client, understand important trends and research that you could incorporate to make your portfolio stand out.


If you successfully make it to the Interview stage, there are criteria that are essential to be reached in order to have a successful interview.  The client will have certain expectations & determinate questions, this is a stage in which a lot of candidates fall out of the process due to the lack of preparation.

How we help? We will prepare & train you for the interview with tips on what to say and not to say, on how to introduce yourself, experience & motivations. The best candidates are knowledgeable about the company’s products, services and relevant activities. We train you on how to respond and engage during the interview – we ensure our candidates go to through this step feeling confident & completely prepared.


In this final step companies will propose salary, relocation packages, and any other logistical processes necessary for the job. This can be a tough stage as it is important to not over step your boundaries but also make sure to communicate your needs.

How we help? If you are applying through us we will be your ‘middle-man’ throughout this step– we will be communicating with the company and helping you personally with some negotiations and processes. We help negotiating – we inform you on what the company will be able to offer you and suggest whether to ask for more in terms of salary, relocation etc. If you are not applying through us we can give you advise on what decisions to make.


Our service does not end once you start in your new career journey, or even if you do not get the job. We like to call it a ‘lifetime service’ as we make it a priority to stay in touch and keep in contact with you. We keep checking up to make sure you are content &  supply constant support in anything you might need.

By Camilla Ottaviani


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