“Fashion is a universal language” is something G&M Fashion Career truly believes in. For this reason, we have partnered with some of the most well-known fashion businesses located all around the world, including the vibrant Spain. As soon as our successful new-to-Spain candidates started posting photos about their new lifestyle, we knew we had made the right match! So if you’re planning on working abroad, here are 4 reasons why Spain should be your country of choice:

1. The numerous fashion career opportunities

Did you know some of the most influential international fashion leaders are headquartered in Spain? Having a close relationship between design offices, manufacturers and stores, gives brands a great chance to offer wide-ranging jobs for fashion experts. These positions provide incredible opportunities to move your career forward and invest in your professional self-growth.

2. Discover new methods of working

As a professional working in the Fashion industry, you know how important it is to continuously keep learning. Even more, what could be better than learning from others? Breaking out from your comfort zone and entering a new work environment makes you more open-minded for new approaches and solutions, which will take your professional genius to a next level, you’ll see.

3. Work together with global-minded international teams

Since fashion is a universal language, it is best done together within international teams. Just think of how many fresh perspectives and ideas you can come up with when working with colleagues from different parts of the world!

4. Enjoy a “City Beach Lifestyle” and immerse yourself in lively local culture

Above all, perhaps one of the most liked reason is the actual country. The Spanish lifestyle is something many of us dream of – famous for its beautiful beaches and landscapes, sunny weather, delicious food and friendly people. A country known for its great culture is a wonderful place to work at and many brands invite international fashion talents in with open arms!

We found a great video showing the lifestyle in Barcelona (Condé Nast Traveler) – one of the many Spanish cities in which we offer career opportunities for fashion talents:

Did you begin to imagine yourself in Spain already? We encourage you to check out the jobs we’re offering on LinkedIn and see if you are someone we are looking for!

One Response

  1. Im an experienced fashion shop manager ,I have been working in fashion for the past 10 years in lebanon with lots of boutiques and brands
    My dream is to move to spain and work. Any suggestions and useful information? And should i get my own work permit or some companies can do the invitation for work permit !
    Thank you

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