You have 30 seconds to convince a recruiter that you are the right person for the job. In a highly desirable industry, such as Fashion, recruiters receive hundreds of applications from which they need to spot talents, and do it fast, before the process deadline arrives. If you want to be the one considered for a position, you might want to avoid these 4 mistakes.

1. Addressing the wrong contact

Mistake: In the beginning of the email, their name is the first thing recruiters see. If you get this wrong, it is an indication of you being unprepared, and this sets the mood for the rest of the application.

Correction: The first impression is very important. In case you only have a general email without a contact name, then start with a positive greeting: ‘Hello’, ‘Good morning/afternoon’. However, if you have an email of the recruiter or hiring manager, be sure to address the application to the right person.

2. Applying to a job opportunity which does not match your profile.

Mistake: Approaching a job in a completely different sector to what you have done and without relevant experience.

Correction: Take a closer look! From the job description and requirements, you will know whether your experience and career background fits the position. If you do decide to change profession, start with developing the know-how and getting relevant credentials before you apply. This will give you a boost in your job applications.

3. Writing in a different language and misrepresenting your language skills.

Mistake: International job opportunities are exciting but may come with requirements that act as a deal breaker – such as language skills. Most of the times, it is not recommended to apply for a job which requires a language proficiency you do not have. Moreover, it is always a great idea to write in the language of the job description instead of your own native language.

Correction: Before applying, do your research and be attentive. Make sure your language proficiency on your LinkedIn profile and CV is accurate and follow the language of the job description when writing the application. In our office, we speak 6 different languages so it is likely we will understand you, however, like most recruiters, we might not have the time to translate your CV to our clients. You can make the difference by showing how much you really know and get the job.

4. Developing your Portfolio & CV differently to the job description.

Mistake: Leaving out specific information that the recruiter could be interested in. In other words, you have just missed the train to a career opportunity.

Correction: Keep an eye on what is required and tailor your CV. Save the limited space in your page by removing irrelevant information and outlining your education, skills and experience that match the job description. This cuts time, is more direct, and gives recruiters more of an incentive to call you for an interview.

Expressing your identity on a single page is challenging and recruiters are well aware of this. However, the job application is still an essential part of the process that shows your level of interest, and to get the job, you want to avoid losing opportunities by making mistakes. Finding talents is our daily commitment at G&M Fashion Career and we feel truly excited when we see candidates listening to our suggestions and getting their foot in the door by securing an interview!

With these tips in your mind, are you ready to put them into action? We suggest you to take another look at our fashion opportunities on our LinkedIn page and see if there is a match for you.


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