What does it take? Meet Sofya – Fashion Blogger & Creative Director

Meet Sofya Benzakour, Fashion blogger and founder & creative director of her own brand BAHAAR. We wanted to show you what it means to be a fashion influencer and run your own empire.. so we asked Sofya to tell us her story and reveal some tips!

  1. Can you give us a brief introduction about yourself? 

 My name is Sofya Benzakour, 29 years old, I am fashion blogger (@sofyabenzakour on Instagram) and creative director of my own brand BAHAAR (@bahaar_official /www.bahaarofficial.com

I was born in Fez, Morocco and I studied Architecture in Milan and Paris. I am graduated from Paris Val de Seine School of Architecure. I have started my blog “La Couleur du Moment” in 2012 while studying. After a few years working in architecture in Paris, I turned full-time fashion blogger.  I currently live in Paris but I am constantly travelling back to Morocco to visit my family, and abroad for my job (except during this pandemic time of course, I stayed in Paris, and I really miss traveling!). 

2. Can you tell us about how you started your brand BAHAAR and why you decided to start your own brand?

I have started BAHAAR two years ago, because I wanted to share my passion for Fashion and craftsmanship with my community. Bahaar is a bridge between my Moroccan roots and my French sense of Fashion. The brand is an innovative combination between western fashion and oriental touch.

At BAHAAR, our mission is to preserve the identity of the local patrimony and to share this unique heritage with the rest of the world.

3. If you could describe Bahaar Official in 3 words, what would they be? and why?

The three words are definitely: Moroccan, Epicurean and Bohemian. Because more than a fashion brand, BAHAAR showcases a Moroccan lifestyle, with its incredible craftmanship heritage, combined with epicurean and bohemian mood. The brand’s beach kaftans and boho dresses are the perfect examples of these epicurean and bohemian vibes.

4.  If you could describe yourself as an influencer in 3 words, what would they be? and why?

It is more difficult to define myself because I consider that I have a personality with multiple sides but if I have to I would say: Passionate, Creative and Playful because passion is really what drives me everyday to do my job and to work so hard. Creative because I really try to innovate and always bring new contents to share with my community and playful because I always need to have fun in what I am doing!

5. Have you collaborated with any brands? If so which one stood out to you the most and why? 

As a blogger, I am ambassador for Atelier Swarovski and I am really proud of this collaboration because I truly share their values such as the promotion of young designers. Indeed, I had the opportunity to attend the prestigious festival of Hyères in France along with amazing emerging designers! Moreover, I am also particularly sensitive to their commitment to disrupt the jewelry industry and make it more sustainable.

6. What elements inspire you and your aesthetic for BAHAAR?

BAHAAR is inspired by the ancestral Moroccan craftsmanship which is well-known and appreciated all around the world. Each piece of my collections holds the name of a Moroccan city: Tangiers, Marrakech, Casablanca, Fez…which evoke travels and ancient craftsmanship. 

7.  What is your opinion on the influencer industry? Do you think it will change or evolve?

I think that the influencer industry is always changing by nature because in this business the only way to last is to continually innovate! Both in terms of contents and platforms. Today, customers and brands have plenty of choices and they will eventually opt to follow influencers with genuine personalities.

I also think that the impact of influencers will continue to grow and that especially micro influencers are powerful tool for brands to reach their customers.


8.  Do you have any advice to our readers who might want to start their own brand like you did?

Yes sure! I would say that they must come up with new ideas because the Fashion industry is so competitive! But I also thing that it offers so many new opportunities because the industry is changing in a better way: customers are now looking for brands with a better impact on the planet and on ecosystems. I would also advise them to engage directly with their community through social medias. Finally, they must be prepared for challenges and do not give up at the first trial.



9. What is your life motto? 

"Anything is possible to anyone who dreams, dares, works and never gives up"!

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