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Recruiters, as mediaries, have an excellent opportunity to find the perfect match between the two. On one side, we have candidates looking for an exciting professional challenge and on the other side, we have a company seeking for a motivated talent to join their team. This, however, requires a real know-how and strong people skills. We asked our team at G&M Fashion Career about their own most impressive candidate interview experiences that often led to work placements. If you are a recruiter, this list of “Signs that you’re interviewing an outstanding candidate” will help you to notice the true standout behavior much more clearly. In case you are a candidate instead, feel free to take inspiration from the best performers, as seen from experienced recruiters’ perspective.

They show commitment when setting up the interview

You can notice the candidate’s motivation from the early steps long before the interview. For instance, has the person made sure that both sides have all the information needed for the call or meetup? If the interviewee does their best to avoid confusion about Skype ID, phone number or address and brings their latest CV along, take these indications as good signs. The designers and other creatives show commitment by preparing a portfolio that includes their newest designs as well.

They know who you are

It is often a no-brainer for candidates to prepare for the interview by researching the company but the ones who study their recruiter’s LinkedIn profile – have taken the preparation to the next level. Addressing the interviewer with their correct name and discussing their own experiences at the company give the candidate and recruiter a common ground. Not to mention the interviewee has already stood out by showing enthusiasm for the opportunity with the initial simple gestures.

They make an effort to get more insights about the brand

Not only in the Fashion Industry but in every single field, the best candidates are knowledgeable about the company’s products, services and relevant activities. They have visited the stores, evaluated the situation and given their own suggestions for change – relevant to the job position they are applying for, of course. For instance, a Fashion Designer would see the collection, tell you what s/he likes and dislikes and how s/he would improve it in terms of trends, shapes, fabrics etc.

They know your potential concerns

During the interview, you can spot the difference between the candidates who have prepared to answer questions and the ones who haven’t. The outstanding interviewees are more than happy to share the story behind the resume. Why were they at a company only a year? What motivated to make the transition? Why were they unemployed? This way, they anticipate the recruiter’s concerns and address them with full confidence and with a positive spin.

They stay alert and engaged while on the ‘hot seat’

The way they talk suggests a lot about the candidates but the non-verbal cues show what they are really feeling. According to an expert in Emotional Intelligence, Steve Gutzler, the information that is exchanged during the interview is equally important to the mood, attitude and emotions. Signs of promising candidates include: being alert and engaged in the conversation, giving well thought out answers and being aware of their body language while on the ‘hot seat’. When faced with a difficult question, it is better to see the interviewee taking time when answering. The moment of silence and reflection displays maturity and backbone, more so than anyone who tries to answer quickly.

“Having a concrete, committed and self-aware person feeling comfortable on the hot seat – signs of a great meeting.” –      Sacha Milazzo Mercier, the Founder and Director at G&M Fashion Career

They are Real and Honest

The goal of a recruiter is to make sure that the potential hire is truly a perfect match for the organization. The top candidates never go after positions that are out of their field of expertise or say that they are willing to relocate if, in reality, that is not the case. Moreover, speaking about honesty – exaggeration in interviews is a big no-no and the truth comes out sooner or later, creating an uncomfortable situation for the candidate, recruiter and the company. The standout candidates apply for a relevant position, knowing their strengths and weaknesses, ready to speak frankly of them.

They are equipped with solid examples

Moreover, when it comes to answering questions about work experience, best candidates are able to give instant examples with specific terms. What’s more, the best is when they answer all features of the STAR interview answer technique – the Situation, Task, Action and Results.
By the end of the information exchange, the recruiter will know the interviewees’ values and what they can bring. Candidates with right motivation, concrete vision and informative examples make the difference.

They have the right motivation and own goals for the company

In the Luxury Fashion industry, there are plenty of candidates who want to join a company because of its products – think of aspirational items from Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Chanel and so on. But what about the company’s work philosophy and development opportunities? The top candidates see beyond the reputation of the brand.

If the candidate has a concrete and tailored vision of what they want to achieve, there is a good chance the recruiter can already imagine the person working in the company. This is the part of the interview where outstanding candidates become ‘the stars’. It indicates that the interviewee completely understands the real responsibilities of the potential job position and is truly interested in the success of the company.

They want to know more about the company

Sometimes as a recruiter, you spot candidates who are missing out on asking about the company, the staff, the structure, the progression and the culture. The top candidates know exactly how crucial it is to understand if the workplace aligns with their own needs. However, above all, they remember that an interview is a two-way street. If the recruiter feels that the candidate is able to adapt to the interview by being aware of the mood and situation, the chances are that s/he is closer to getting the job.

They follow up after the talk

Right after the interview, the great candidates send a quick and brief message thanking you for your time and giving you feedback about the experience.

Due to nerves, almost all candidates need a little push to expose their complete set of talents to us. That is why the interviewers should most definitely be aware of important behaviour indicators to bring out the best from people. What’s more, after the interview, as a thoughtful recruiter, you can also use this information to give feedback to the job applicants. Why should you? While as a recruiter you have daily experience with interviews and can tell the outstanding from the good with ease then candidates go through the job change process much more rarely. In case a specific role was not a match, giving them constructive feedback may score them another job and create a valuable long term relationship instead. For more career tips from us and other industry professionals, we encourage you to check out our other blog posts here.

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